

Speaker Topic
Thomas Brown, University of Rome Photovoltaics for indoor energy harvesting
S Varunkumar, IIT Madras Biomass – a bit of science, technology and policy
Maria Smolander, VTT, Finland Sustainable Electronics
Jeffery D. Brown, Stanford University What are prospects for carbon capture in the U.S. power industry?
Ashwin Bharadwaj, Dow Chemicals Developing safer materials using Dow’s smart search, powered by CAS
Roberto La Rosa, ST Microelectronics Strategies, Techniques and System for powering low-maintenance and maintenance-free Wireless Sensor Nodes
Marios Sophocleus, eBos Technologies In-situ soil quality monitoring systems
Teppo Rantanen, City of Tampere, Competitiveness and Innovation Sustainability in the City of Tampere and the World
Bruno Meyer, 2022 IEEE VP Technical Activities What IEEE is doing to support Climate Change Technologies
Maike Luiken, Multiple Panelists Panel on IEEE Leaders Who Attended COP